Monday, May 30, 2011

Pregnancy Update:)

 This picture was taken Sunday evening, and I am about 37.5 weeks along. I'm actually feeling decently well for being this far along. Perhaps I'm crazy a  tad more emotional at times, and I am a little uncomfortable, but honestly I can't complain too much. 

It's looking as if next week sometime there will be a baby. I always have to be induced early because of the diabetes, and it's a little crazy realizing that I will not in fact be pregnant forever. I think the kids are getting excited, Jack especially. He likes to put his hand on my belly and talk to the baby. We have several names picked out for a boy or girl, and Jack doesn't quite understand that I don't actually have five or six babies growing inside of me. :) 

Nesting has kicked into high gear, and I'm itching to start freezing meals. I have an ambitious list wrote out of everything I want to freeze and chores I want to accomplish before next week. I am interested to see how much of it I actually get done! 

I'll admit I'm getting a little anxious as labor approaches, and of course I'm a little concerned about how the kids will do adjusting to a new brother or sister. But in a few weeks this will be over, and hopefully we'll have some sense of a new normal. :)


  1. You are adorable! I will keep you in my prayers that you have an uneventful labor/delivery and a perfect, precious new baby! Good luck on your 'to-do-list'....I mean it's not like you have anything else to do....LOL :o) Can't wait to see pictures!!!

  2. You look beautiful!! Praying for you in these next few weeks! Hope everything goes well!

  3. Babies are such a blessing.
    Come visit me


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