Monday, January 2, 2012

Favorite Books from 2011

I really love to read. I especially love  reading books that pertain to the season of life I'm in. Last year I shared some of my favorite reads from 2010, so I thought it'd be fun to carry on the tradition and share my favorite books from 2011.

What's that you say? Those of you who know me in "real life" are shocked to see this book on my favorite list? I mean it's not like I've loaned it to several of you or anything...:) Seriously, though, this book is only 104 pages, but it's packed with wisdom and encouragement. It's written by a woman who has five kids under the age of five. She's not a mom who has "it" all together, and her kids are still young so she knows how
tough it can be taking care of little ones. Reading this book was a good reminder not to be selfish with my time, and to strive to reach my children's hearts before trying to accomplish everything on my to do list.

 Give Them Grace was the book I  anticipated reading the most this past year. When it finally arrived on my doorstep, I started reading it immediately. Give Them Grace serves as a good heart check for parents who are relying too much on formulas for raising godly children. The authors point out that sheltering our children from every perceived negative influence might not be the best parenting tactic. But the thing I loved most about this book was the reminder that our children will never be good without Jesus. It's our responsibility to point them to the Savior, but ultimately it's Jesus who saves. Which is such a relief, because I mess up all. the. time. Every parent does, that's why when we discipline we should point our kids to Jesus. When they do something good we should point them back to Jesus. Every thing they do we should strive to point them to Jesus. That was the entire premise of Give Them Grace, and it was such a blessing to read.

I love the Duggars, and I find Michelle(the mom) very encouraging. The book discusses how they handled the trial of having a premature infant while also caring for their other 18 children. And they also give more details about how they raised their children, and how they made things like Bible memorization and family worship the best part of their childrens day. I've even taken some of their ideas and used them in our families life.

I read a lot of great books this past year, but those would probably be my top three favorites. This year I'm planning on reading Real Marriage(the hubs and I are both going to read that one), and Crystal Paine's The Money Saving Mom's Budget. I am also hoping to read through the Bible in a year(I've never done one of these plans before, and am really excited about trying it.)

What were some of your favorite books this year?


  1. I just stumbled on your blog via YCLF.. I really need to look into these books.. I had heard of Give them Grace and have been wanting to read it. Blessings!

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer! Give Them Grace is excellent!:)


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