A few weeks ago I realized I had been bitten by the blogging bug. I finally felt like I had got into a rhythm with it and was starting to genuinely enjoy myself. Now I find myself, once again, wondering what to write about. My life isn't really exciting , I'm not a talented writer, I don't have much wisdom to share with others, I'm not savvy with money, and I'm definitely not crafty.
Then I remember why I started this whole blogging thing. It really isn't for me to teach others. This blog is a place for me to remember what my life was like. Twenty years from now, my children will be grown up and I probably won't remember how Anna was constantly keeping us on our toes or about how Jack is completely in love with his stuffed frog. I really doubt I'll remember what Lily was doing at three months. Twenty years from now I know I will be so thankful that I started this blogging thing.
The other reason I started this blog is so I can remember how faithful God has been to us. I doubt I'll ever go into too many details about trials we go through, since this is a public blog, but I never want to forget the lessons God has taught us. I want my children to be able to read these entries one day and marvel at God's goodness to us.
Basically, I really enjoy blogging. I want to be an encouragement to others, and by showing my everyday life, I hope people can find a little encouragement. So please come by and visit once in awhile, I can't promise you'll learn anything new, but you might see some rosy cheeked baby grins and hear about our crazy little world with three two and under and hopefully you'll come away with a smile.
Good reminders! :) (although I started blogging for very different reasons I think I've evolved and these are now behind more of my blogging than when I started. ;)