Monday, May 30, 2011

Pregnancy Update:)

 This picture was taken Sunday evening, and I am about 37.5 weeks along. I'm actually feeling decently well for being this far along. Perhaps I'm crazy a  tad more emotional at times, and I am a little uncomfortable, but honestly I can't complain too much. 

It's looking as if next week sometime there will be a baby. I always have to be induced early because of the diabetes, and it's a little crazy realizing that I will not in fact be pregnant forever. I think the kids are getting excited, Jack especially. He likes to put his hand on my belly and talk to the baby. We have several names picked out for a boy or girl, and Jack doesn't quite understand that I don't actually have five or six babies growing inside of me. :) 

Nesting has kicked into high gear, and I'm itching to start freezing meals. I have an ambitious list wrote out of everything I want to freeze and chores I want to accomplish before next week. I am interested to see how much of it I actually get done! 

I'll admit I'm getting a little anxious as labor approaches, and of course I'm a little concerned about how the kids will do adjusting to a new brother or sister. But in a few weeks this will be over, and hopefully we'll have some sense of a new normal. :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Counting my Blessings

I can't believe it's been over a week since I last posted! Life has become very busy between twice a week doctors appointments(I have gestational diabetes, so I virtually live at the doctor's office the last two months of pregnancy) and trying to stay on top of house work, training and loving my kiddos, and spending time with Erik. Tomorrow I'm *hoping* to post some pictures from the last week, and maybe, if you're lucky(ha!), I'll post a picture of myself at 9 months pregnant ;). But we'll see.

Anyways it's been an emotional week for me, but not because anything bad has happened necessarily. I'm simply struggling with waiting on the Lord's timing for different things in my life. In light of that fact, I thought I'd follow in Ann Voskamp's foot steps and write out some of the blessings of the last week.

1. Watching Jack and Anna pretend sticks are everything from swords to horses.

2. Jack getting excited about having another little boy come over so they could "fight the bad guys with their swords."

3. Hearing the kids pray for the new baby.

4. Seeing Lily fold her hands to pray before dinner.

5. A husband who pushed a double stroller with two kids in it while carrying his little girl on his shoulders to ensure that all his kids got to see the animals at the zoo, and making sure I wasn't overdoing things in the process.

6. Being reminded we go through trials not because God has forgotten us, but because he loves us.

7. Surprising the kids with a snack of doughnuts and chocolate milk.

8. A tornado warning that never turned into anything other than the loss of power for a few hours.

9. Nightly date nights on the couch with my husband catching up on some of our favorite tv shows(we love hulu at our house!)

10. Being able to listen to an excellent sermon on the way home from the doctor.

11. Getting one on one time with each child before the new baby arrives.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


-As of late I've been enjoying just having one child in diapers(during the day).

-As of late I've been feeling as if the days are passing slower and slower.

-As of late, I'm trying to remind myself that once baby arrives I'll want the days to pass slower!

-As of late, our new house is truly starting to feel like "home."

-As of late I'm thankful for three little helpers who love to load the washing machine and dryer, and find watching the washing machine spin almost as entertaining as watching Dora. 

-As of late I've been incredibly convicted by reading the book of James.

-As of late I'm thankful for the first day in a week I've had my computer back! Just in case you were wondering spilling coffee all over you lap top is NEVER a good idea!

-As of late I'm thankful for a husband who knows how to fix just about anything(including coffee drowned computers), and who hasn't made too much fun of me because of it. :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Glorifying in the Waiting

Life right now is full of unknowns for my little family. Erik has just finished school and we are anxiously awaiting the next step, but we aren't quite sure what that will be. We don't know if we'll be moving, we don't know exactly the field he'll be starting out in, heck we don't even know if we're having a boy or a girl next month! Right now we are definitely in a season of waiting. We are learning patience and contentment. We are learning to use our lives to glorify God even when we feel as if His timing isn't corresponding with ours.

It is hard. Really, really hard. But God has been faithful to us time and time again, and we know He will continue to be. It's just a matter of truly relying on Him and not worrying the day away.

"11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
12 I will ponder all your work,
and meditate on your mighty deeds.
13 Your way, O God, is holy.
What god is great like our God?"
Psalm 77

The last two years have been full of many seemingly impossible situations. We have been amazed at the ways we have been provided for, and it all points directly back to God. Right now is another lesson in waiting on the Lord's sovereign timing. But when I become anxious, all I need to remember is how faithful the Lord has been to us and I can wait with hopeful anticipation.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Girls

I love that I have daughters. There's something so special to me that Anna and Lily are sisters. I don't have any sisters and I am so excited that these two will have each other to grow up with. They are only 17 months apart, and I pray that they won't just be close in age but also close friends.

Anna is spunky, spirited, and either all or nothing. Meaning she's either happy or sad- there's no middle ground with this child! You can't tell from this picture, but she has beautiful curly hair, and I would love to know who she inherited that gene from! 

Anna is a huge animal lover and book lover. Her favorite toys are My Little Ponies, and she pretends that almost everything is a horse(including her food!) The only downfall I've seen come out of her love of horses is that she has tried on more than one occasion to ride Lily. Luckily Lily doesn't get too upset, but she does appreciate it when I tell Anna that her little sister isn't a toy.

My husband is in our church's praise band and he practices from time to time at home. Anna enjoys dancing around, but not usually as much as Jack and Lily do. There have been times Anna will sit and read her Bible while her brother and sister dance around her, so we jokingly call her our little fundamentalist.

This past week Anna has decided she wants to potty trained "like a big girl," and she's been doing amazing. After she goes potty she'll say(in what still sounds like a french accent), "I need a piece of chocolate(pronounced shockooolot:).

And then there's our Lily. There was a time not so long ago when I thought Anna was the most mischievous one year old in the world. And then Lily turned one. And now I don't think Anna held a candle to Lily's mischief!

Lily is so silly. If I take my eyes off her for a second she's into something she shouldn't be. Be it the dog bowl, the toilet, or the pantry. I'm pretty sure she'll be the child who flushes my keys down the toilet or eats my wedding ring. But she's so stinking sweet. She almost always has a smile on her face, and has an adorable laugh. Lily almost always has a baby doll with her and in my totally unbiased opinion says the word "baby" in one of the cutest voices. She also says please really well, and is getting the hang of thank you. Lily and Jack have a very sweet relationship, and Lily reminds me a lot of how Jack was when he was a toddler.

So that's what these girls of mine have been doing lately. Keeping their mommy on her toes(or more accurately on her knees praying for wisdom!), but yet making me smile and providing endless amounts of laughter in the process

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tying Your Shoes

{and other things you can't do at 8 months pregnant}

1. Put pants on the normal way..

2. Bend over to pick something up.

3. Eat spicy food.

4. Walk without resembling a duck.

5. Sit, lay down, stand comfortably for more than a minute.

6. Squeeze through tight spots.

7. Remember what you did yesterday(or an hour ago for that matter..)

But hey at least..

1. The weather is nice right now so I can wear flip flops.

2. Strangers are especially nice to me.

3. I have a "table" I can set my bowl of cereal on.

4. June 10 is less than a month away!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Books I'm Reading

I love to read, and in the last few months I've been devouring books left and right! And thanks to swagbucks I've been able to feed my addiction basically for free! Some of my favorites from the last few months have been;

Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches

Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches, was such a blessing to me! It was written by a mom who has five kids under the age of five, so yes it made me feel better since I'll *only* have four under four(unless I get pregnant again, but I digress:) Part of the reason I bought this book was because it was written by someone who's kids aren't grown yet, so she doesn't only remember the good times. It's only 100 pages, but packed with wisdom. As I was reading I just sat nodding my head in agreement and cracking up at some of her tales.

Already Gone: Why your kids will quit church and what you can do to stop it

I didn't enjoy this book as much as I had hoped. I definitely appreciated(and wholeheartedly agreed) with the main point of the book, which was that the Bible needs to be taught by parents and church leaders for what it is- the Word of God! I think what disappointed me about this book was I had been expecting more of a book on apologetics, and instead it was a book of statistics. Those of you familiar with Ken Ham won't be surprised that his main emphasis is on teaching the book of Genesis accurately. I agree with that too, but I was hoping the book would explain how to teach Genesis. I guess next time I'll do a little more research before I buy a book!

Future Men

I absolutely loved this book! Anyone who has boys and girls knows how different they are. This book was about raising boys to be godly men, and encouraging boys to be masculine. Not in a barbarian sort of way, but in a way that encourages boys to be leaders, providers, and protectors. Traits I think most parents of boys want to instill.

Right now I'm also reading Family Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God by Voddie Baucham Jr, and I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm also hoping to get my hands on Large Family Logistics before the new baby arrives because I've heard it's full of practical wisdom in managing a household with several small children. And sometime this summer I'm hoping to read Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus by Elyse Fitzpatrick. I've not read anything by her before, but once again I've heard good things. :)

How about the rest of you? Have you been reading anything interesting lately?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jack's Prayer

Jack's prayer this morning before breakfast..

"Dear, God. Thank you for this food. Thank you for Anna and Lily and Mommy and Daddy and Jack. Thank you, Lord, for Jack. Thank you for my instruments and froggie, but thankyou so much for me. Help me to obey. Thank you for Lily and Jack. In Jesus Name..oh and thankyou for my prayer. Amen."

Hmm we might have some work to do, you think? ;-)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

If you came to my house..

If you came to my house, please don't pay attention to...

My pantry or refrigerator.

My closets.

My organizational skills(especially when it comes to my kids toys.)

If you came to my house, you would probably hear..

Three giggling and loud  energetic children.

Concerts being held thanks to toy instruments and a musical father.

Endless readings of, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," and various Curious George books with some Berenstein Bear books thrown in.

Reminders that sisters or brother is more important than their toys(just keeping it real.)

You would probably see..

Two exhausted, but generally amused parents.

A mom fighting for contentment in the last month of pregnancy.

Lots of hugs, kisses, tears, prayers, tickle fights, sword fights and some real fights.

So come on over, just pay no attention to my refrigerator. :-)

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