As most of you know, I have a one month old. As is the case with most newborns, Lily is up at least two or three times a night wanting to eat. I have to admit this has never been something I've enjoyed with any of my kids. My attitude is usually, "Just hurry up and finish so I can go back to bed!" But last week I read somewhere( I can't remember where) about learning to be thankful for those sleepless nights, because it means you have a child to take care of. So it hit me last week that I can surely use all the time I'm up nursing Lily for far better purposes than just whining to myself how tired I am!
It hit me that I could use the time Lily is up eating and the rest of the house is sleeping to pray. Even though I want to go back to bed, the twenty or so minutes I get to pray each time she wakes up has been such a blessing in my life. It's time for me to thank God for all He has given me. So often I remember the big things God has done for me, or the big things I want God to do for us but I don't always thank him for all the seemingly little blessings in my life. I also pray for my marriage and kids. I want our family to be Christ centered, and Lord Willing one day we will all enjoy fellowship with each other as Christians.
It's not always easy for me to spend time praying as I nurse Lily, but I do believe God hears me despite my groggy state of mind. It's so wonderful to serve a God who cares and loves me and doesn't need formalities to hear my prayers.
I am so glad you commented on my blog! I've enjoyed reading some of your posts. How neat that we both have "Lilys" just a month apart in age! :) The Lord taught me the same thing when my Lily was still waking up to eat during the night. I enjoyed those quiet times of prayer and I missed them {in a way} when she started sleeping completely through the night!