Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 Aren't I lucky to have a super hero for a son?

Jack is seriously one of the sweetest most encouraging little boys you'll ever meet. For example today at Target an older lady says to him,"You sure do have a sweet little brother, buddy!" And Jack replies,"Thank you so very much. I really love Max!" This is a pretty typical attitude from my oldest boy. Usually he's very polite, very talkative, and very encouraging.

When I bake cookies, he will tell me what a great job I have done. When Erik brings home doughnuts for breakfast Jack claps for him. When he sees Lily trying to share her doll with Anna, he's the first one to come up to me and say,"Lily was showing love to Anna! Let's go tell her what a great job she's done!" Or after he's done playing on the slide at the park he's been known to tell the slide thank you. Yes, seriously.

He definitely gets overwhelmed easily, and doesn't always handle new situations very well. But his cheerful and polite disposition makes him absolutely hilarious to be around(if I do say so myself!) Every woman he meets he tells them they are beautiful princesses, and that he is a knight in shining armor who has to protect his little sisters.

I hope he never stops being encouraging(though eventually he'll probably have to stop telling every woman he meets how beautiful they are.;) I hope and pray that as he grows up he'll still want to protect his little sisters. It's not always easy taking care of four little ones all day, but having such a charming four year old makes these days so much fun.

This post is linked to the MOB Society.

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