Saturday, July 27, 2013


My sweet Jack turned six last Thursday.


How on earth is that possible? He really is growing up way too fast.

But despite all that, and despite the fact that it makes me all nostalgic and sentimental that my first baby is growing up too fast, I have to say that I really am so proud of the sweet little man that he is becoming. He has such a big heart and big desire to work hard.

Jack is very sweet. He humbles me sometimes with how gracious he can be towards others that have wronged him(and how quickly he forgives me when I mess up.) He is crazy about all his siblings, but him and Anna are really each others best friends. I suppose that might be one of the fun things about being 12 months apart:). He also really loves Luke, and regularly makes him cards telling him how much he loves him.

He's definitely a bit of a perfectionist which can be challenging sometimes. He wants to do everything right the first time and doesn't always take making mistakes or losing very well. But we try to use those as opportunities to point him to Christ. 

So at six Jack has lost his first tooth, can read beginner books, and can write fairly well. He loves super heroes, knights, and math(can't say I relate to that one!)

Happy Birthday, Jack! We love you and pray everyday you'll grow into a godly man!

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