Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Desperate- a Review


Feeling overwhelmed? Longing for an older and wiser woman to mentor you? I've been there( a lot!), and so has Sarah Mae, the author of the newly released book Desperate: Hope for the Mom who Needs to Breathe.

The book is written from two different perspectives, one from a mom with young children(Sarah Mae), and the other perspective is written from an older Titus 2 woman(Sally Clarkson.) Every time I read Sarah Mae's part, I felt relieved knowing I'm not the only mom who struggles with some of these feelings of inadequacy. Sally Clarkson offers so much wisdom throughout the entire book that I came away feeling refreshed and encouraged. I felt like my vision was once again renewed for the way I wanted to raise my children.

This isn't a book of formulas, so even though I was convicted about many areas in my mothering, I never once felt like I was being condemned. 

So if you're looking for some encouragement, and you long to have a Titus 2 woman in your life, definitely check this book out! I promise you won't be disappointed!

Buy the book here.

Check out the Desperate Mom resolution here.

I was given an advance copy of this book to review, all opinions are my own.



  1. I ordered mine! And I can't wait for it to come! thanks for telling about it....


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