Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Birhday Weekend!

July is a pretty crazy birthday month for my family. I turned 25 on the 24th, and Jack turned 3 on the 25th. I can no longer say I have three kids two and under. We had such a nice weekend full of a lot of time spent together, memories being made, and one big surprise!

On Saturday, Erik and I were suppose to have a nice dinner out. At least that's what I thought. As the day went on, Erik kept saying his parents couldn't watch the kids until later than we had planned.  Erik finally told me he didn't feel like going out, and wanted to know if we could wait until next weekend to go out. He suggested going over to a town about 15 minutes from here instead.

I tried to be understanding, but I was really struggling with not getting upset with him. I did a lot of praying, asking for strength not to feel sorry for myself. When we dropped the kids off at my in laws, Erik told me he wasn't feeling very well, and asked if we could eat at a restaurant in town. Once again, I was a little disappointed, but figured if he really didn't feel well there wasn't anything I could do about it. After dinner, we ran to the grocery store to get some Pepto Bismol for his stomach, and decided to go home before we picked up the kids so he could rest awhile.

Imagine my surprise when I walked into my front room, and saw balloons and cupcakes everywhere! I heard Jack and Anna talking somewhere and I turned to Erik, who has a devilish grin on his face, and then a stream of my in laws and several close friends came out yelling, "Surprise!" Jack and Anna were bouncing off the walls, Jack kept blowing a horn and saying, "Happy Birthday, Mommy!"

Erik had never been sick, and was so excited he had actually been able to surprise me on my birthday. We had a nice time with everyone, and after everyone left Erik and I watched a movie before heading to bed. The next morning our little boy was turning three, so we needed to be well rested!

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