Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Sweet Max

Max is almost 11 months old! I can't believe it! He is so laid back and easy going. Erik and I laugh and wonder if our older three children were this easy, and wonder if we're just more experienced now, or if Max really is just super easy going. And all I have to do is browse through baby books and blog archives to discover that, yes, Max really is super laid back!

He adores Jack. I don't think Jack can do any wrong as far as Max is concerned. Lily still thinks she's also Max's mommy. He's starting to become more and more of a Mommy and Daddy's boy. He takes two naps a day, and is usually ready for bed by 6:30. He wakes up in the happiest mood in the morning, and for some reason thinks that watching Erik put his black socks on before leaving for work is the most entertaining part of the day! He army crawls mostly, and is starting to pull up on everything. He'll be walking before I know it, which should be pretty funny since he's on the small side.

I'm still nursing him about three times a day. This is the longest I've ever nursed a baby, with all my other kids I've been pregnant by this point and had to wean them. I am truly enjoying Max's baby days, and feel so blessed to have two sweet boys and two precious girls. 

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