Sunday, January 20, 2013

Examining Priorities

When I read the above, I was challenged yet again to examine my priorities in this current season of life I'm in. When my children grow up, I don't want them to look back on their childhood and remember a grumpy and stressed out mama. But I feel like I've become that way, especially in the last few months.

For most of the five years I've been a mom, I've been pretty good about being intentional about how I spend my time, but in the last year I've allowed things to get out of hand. My  life consists of home schooling, house work, child training, wife-ing(not a word, but you get the point), mothering, and fixing meals. Which is plenty, but on top of that I have classical conversations, church commitments, a Bible study on Wednesday mornings, and doctors appointments every other week. There's also errands, grocery shopping, bill paying, and friendships to enjoy.

I realize that to some of you this might not seem like very much, and in fact it might seem like I need to just deal with it. I understand that. And obviously a lot of the things I'm doing are just part of life. But please also understand that, getting 4 young children out of the house, and trying to be places on time, is no easy task.

So I'm evaluating things. I'm asking myself what my priorities should look like, and I'm asking God to reveal to me anything that I need to stop doing right now. Obviously in about 2 months the ob appointments will stop, but then I'll be caring for a newborn, which brings its own set of (precious) challenges.

None of the things I'm doing right now are bad, but for me in this season of little ones, I want to be a wise manager of my time so I don't look back on this time with a lot of regrets.


  1. Oh my goodness...I can't believe that you are that far along in your pregnancy!!! I've been gone longer than I thought :) I hope all is well, I'm gonna go read some more posts I've missed :)

  2. I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how your pregnancy is going. Can't believe you only have 2 months left! I hope you are feeling well.

    I understand about so much of what you said! It is a lot that you have going on. My list is very similar, except I don't have as many children and we aren't officially homeschooling yet. It is more than a full time job to be a mother and wife and all that entails, but to add the extras, is overwhelming at times. I'm praying for you!


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